To Do and To Don’t lists can be incredibly effective additions to your current daily routines! You might’ve already heard of, and use, a ‘to do’ list but what’s a ‘to don’t’ list?
A ‘to do’ list is as the name suggests – a list of things to do. It might be daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or all of the above, and it usually is used to help you keep track of your tasks, any deadlines and your priorities. They’re super helpful to keep you accountable and to de-clutter your mind so you don’t have to keep mental tabs on everything that’s going on, but they can also sometimes add and/or make you more disorganised.
To Do Lists
Method 1: Using A Calendar
Instead of making a list, block off tasks that you need to do on your calendar. For example, if you’ve got an upcoming task of writing a blog article for work, estimate how much time you’ll need to finish that task and then block off that period on a day in your calendar. For tasks that require work over a few days, break down what needs to be done each day and block off the allocated time each day for those smaller components. For example, if you need to organise an event, work out all the smaller tasks within that larger task and then organise and block off time for each smaller task in your calendar.
Method 2: Master List and Sticky Notes
This method requires you to keep one central list of all the things you need to do, but instead of referring to this central list all the time (and subsequently feeling overwhelmed by sheer size etc.), you’ll use sticky notes to get one task done at a time.
How does this work? You’ll need to update your central list as you go but pick one thing on it that you need to focus on for the next few hours/for the day. Close your central list/keep it out of sight, and write the one task you picked on a sticky note and stick it somewhere you can see it – i.e. your computer or on your desk. This way you have a ‘master list’ of all the tasks you need to do but you can keep yourself focused one thing at a time through your ‘one at a time’ sticky note reminders. You also get double the pleasure of ticking things off – you can rip up your sticky note when you finish your task AND then cross it off your central list too!
Method 3: Digital List Managers
There’s a plethora of digital task managers out there that are designed to help make ‘to do’ list making and tracking easier. Platforms like Asana can also help you keep on track of project sorting, work-flow, recurring tasks, scheduling and more. It can be tricky to navigate at first (as most new online tools are at the start) but if it’s a system that works well with you and for you, the benefits are numerous (the best bit: you can’t ‘lose’ it).
Method Four: The Three List Method
This one requires you to sort your ‘to do’ list into three separate lists:
- list 1 is for important but non time sensitive tasks
- list 2 is for tasks that need to be completed by the end of the day
- list 3 is for tasks that have been hanging around on your ‘to do’ list since the dawn of time, but are likely not going to get done in the near future (e.g. finishing that knitting project from 4 years go)
You then start with list 2 and calendarize the items listed. Then take list 1 and schedule future dates for the tasks on there. List 3 is there so you can recognise, and admit, that there are things that you just aren’t going to come around to getting done and that’s okay! It’s useful in helping you understand your time is precious but not infinite, and tasks with higher priorities need to get done first. It doesn’t mean you have to throw away list 3 either – you could maybe even do some long term planning or keep it around to see if there’s tasks there that can be bumped up to list 2 or list 1 in the future!
To Don't Lists
- Routines & tasks that de-energise and exhaust
- Tasks that don’t really ‘serve’ you in any way
- Where and how you spend your time exactly each day and whether there are areas that you didn’t realise you were dedicating unnecessary amounts of time to
- 16% voted for ‘getting back to every email’
- 43% voted for ‘going to unnecessary meetings’
- 38% voted for ‘sacrificing exercise to do overtime’
Try It Out and See What Works for You!
There’s never a one-size fits all solution for workplace organisation. Your own personal circumstances, the nature of your work and workplace will dictate what works and what doesn’t work for you. It might take some trial an error or a few conversations with peers and colleagues to see what they’re doing and share tips and resources, or some more research into seeing what the experts are saying!
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