Workplace Wizards


Managing Union Relationships and Issues

Amendments to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) have changed the obligations of employers in responding to and dealing with unions and right of entry requests. This is on top of a more militant union movement willing to access your site without permission, or raise issues in a confrontational manner.

This course covers those obligations as well as the ongoing obligations of employer in relation to a union’s Rights of Entry under the Occupational Health and Safety legislation and other common industrial situations.


Who should Attend

Executives, general managers, site foremen/supervisors and those who ordinarily are responsible for trade union representatives at work.

What will be Covered

  • Understanding union Right of Entry
  • Right of Entry Permit Holder Rights and Obligations
  • Legislative Requirements for Right of Entry
  • Considering approaches and strategies to manage union requests and interactions in your business
  • Ensuring that you are meeting your legal requirements and understand opportunities for managing situations as they arise

All learning will be based on interactive participation based on workplace scenarios and case studies, relevant legal cases and current media topics, quizzes and “what would you do/think” examples.

Breach of Employment Contract & Contract Drafting

Duration, Location & Price

This 3-hour course can be delivered onsite at your premises. We recommend incorporating your policies/SOPs into the standard course outline to ensure training is specific to participants. Prices start from $249 (plus GST) per person with a minimum of 4 people (does not include time spent on materials customisation).

Contact us

Get in contact with a workplace lawyer or advisor to access initial advice about your workplace requirements.

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