FREE GUIDE: How to Manage Restructures and Redundancies
TEchnical Specialists, superbly trained & Industry experienced
You and your stakeholders can trust you are getting the right advice, every time. We have a multi-disciplinary team of leading lawyers and consultants who are technical experts, superbly trained and industry experienced. We don’t just understand the theory. We’ve run businesses and teams. We know how to get the job done so that you look good and your business risks are controlled.
No matter the business, an employment contract is an essential part of the employment process. Workplace Wizards can help you navigate employment contracts past, current, and future, and ensure you’re prepared in the event an employment contract is breached. We ensure your business is meeting its legislative obligations.
Managing workplace bullying, discrimination and harassment is increasingly complex, time-consuming and problematic for many businesses. Not only is there a risk this behaviour will cause injury to your employees and the reputation of your business, but you may also be held vicariously liable for the damaging behaviour of your staff.
Conflicts are an inevitable part of life – particularly our work life. People have different ideas, approaches and working habits, and sometimes they clash. People also make mistakes, upset people and butt heads from time to time. We can help you resolve conflicts in your workplace or business, and avoid stressful, expensive and time-consuming.
Dealing with underperformance and misconduct issues or dismissing an employee needs a careful expert touch. You can lean on our experience to deal with poor performance or misconduct – and we’re right behind you through unfair dismissal and general protections claims.
Workplace change, restructures and redundancies are tough for both employee and employer. However, they’re a necessary part of doing business. We can guide to make decisions about how to strategically structure your workforce for ongoing success and sustainability.
We give your employees and leaders a competitive edge with our comprehensive learning and development programs. Without a doubt, our programs will enhance the quality of your staff, reduce your organisational risks and increase organisational performance.
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